About me

Dear visitor, welcome to my webpage!

I am a graduate from Oxford University and a PhD researcher at the Université libre de Bruxelles. My areas of research are group theory and geometric combinatorics. I am currently working on string C-group representations of finite simple and almost simple permutation groups and manipulating permutation representation graphs.

I am a passionate and resilient learner. Anything new is interesting, mastering it is intoxicating.

Since the beginning of my PhD, I work for the ULB as a teaching assistant. I have taught discrete mathematics, general mathematics for scientists, logic, linear algebra, analysis and group theory to cohorts from twenty to more than a thousand in size. I am always interested in innovative teaching practices.

While coding is not part of my undergraduate background, I came to code with Magma for my research and developped a liking for programming. I now spend some of my free time learning about new languages and their possibilities.